美國new york city

2007-12-29 3:19 pm
我想去美國New York city , 那裡住宿便宜?

回答 (3)

2007-12-31 6:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
www.hotwire.com 睇吓, 佢即時show埋價錢出來, 平唔平, 即時睇到 !! 但係你唔駛咁快決定, Check 多幾次, 到你覺得個價已經係好低先Confirm都未遲.

Good Luck !
2008-01-01 12:58 pm
其實去nyc,可是揾New Jersey 的motel or hotel. 只要接近Holland or Lincoln tunnel 就可.NYC Hotel or Motel 税都很重..而New Jersey 近Lincoln 或Holland Tunnel 只是10-15 分鐘車程. 有火車,巴士,交通来回方便.諗諗佢.
2007-12-29 4:17 pm
The cheapest one is motel, not hotel. It is around US$60 for twin bed room, US$45
for single bed room. You can search Yahoo for MOTELS IN NEW YORK CITY and make
the comparision by calling or e-mailing.

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