Golbal warming點樣影響我地?

2007-12-29 9:47 am

回答 (2)

2008-01-04 7:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 Extreme weather conditions occur. for example, more typhoons in tropical areas,like Southeast Asia and droughts in temperate places like the Mid-West of the USA.
2 Higher temperatures affect crop yield and lead to poor harvests.people in dry areas inNorth Africa suffer from hunger.less rice can be grown in Egypt, India and China.
3 Warm climates favour the spread of disease.
4 a rise in global temperature causes melting of the ice caps.meltwater causes coastal flooding of many low-lying countries or islands,example,Bangladesh and the Maldives.
5 Extensive areas of coral reefs may die off.
6 Coniferous forests in temperate regions like Canada,Russia,Norway,Sweden,Finland and Denmark will die.
7 Some polar species of animals and plants face extintion.this is because the polar regions become too warm for them to live.
參考: My geog test book
2007-12-30 2:34 am
Global warming will result in extreme weather conditions. And it will affect our daily life.

1.Traffic is disrupted under heavy rain. Traffic accidents may occur.
2.During typhoon signal number eight, people can't go to work and there will be a loss to the economy.
3.There will be flooding in low-lying areas. Farms may be destroyed under heavy rain and will result in a rise in vegetables.

There are much more to be written, go find them up.

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