Can i become a teacher without going university?

2007-12-28 7:40 pm
I want to become a teacher but i dont want to go university

Is there any courses i can take at college that are equal to a university degree?

Or is there a way i can become a teachers assistant and work my way up to becoming a teacher?

回答 (19)

2007-12-28 7:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To be a teacher you HAVE to go to university, if you're in England that means a BEd, bachelor of education, or a degree ( or 2 ) then a 1 year PGCE.
There is nothing at college that is equivalent to a degree at university - I have checked all this last year!
There is no way - it isn't possible.
University is great, you just have to budget for everything, unless you will end up in debt - but not that much unless you go on spending sprees every week!
One last thing, why don't you want to go to university?
What ever the reason, it probably won't be as bad as you think it will be!
2007-12-29 3:47 am
You could do an Open University degree, then rather than training at Uni to get your NQT status you could train on the job so to speak within a school. But you do need a degeree to do this first.

If you become a TA, there are various NVQ courses you could do to work up to becoming a Higher TA.

Good luck x
2007-12-29 6:42 pm
No you can't. To become a teacher you need to get a degree.
參考: Teacher
2007-12-29 10:58 am
Most states in the US require a bachelors degree in education at minimum, so probably not. It varies here by state, however. You may be able to find a college that offers 4 year degrees in education that doesn't call itself a university; then you could--the degree would be no different. In Michigan it is absolutely impossible without at least a bachelors degree in education.
參考: a math and physics teacher
2007-12-29 9:48 am
There is no difference between a college and university as far as under graduate education goes.

If anything you'll be in 50 student classes instead of 500 student auditoriums for English.
2007-12-29 3:50 am
No its not possible both state and federal guidelines require certification.

Most states offer some alternative certification routes that do not require a degree from a college of education; however, they do require a college (often bacholars not associates) degree.

As far as your question about teachers assistanting goes it depends on the school system but usually requires a high school degree. My mother (a former teacher's aide) also was able to recieve training and certification which allowed her to substitute up to 60 school days. However, she did have a bachlors degree in science and when she decided to teach full time (kindergarten of all classes!) she still had to go back to school (in her case she opted to become a full time student for 2 years).
2007-12-29 3:50 am
As far as I know, you will need an university degree or teaching diploma from a reputable educational institution.

Teaching assistants are supervised by by teachers and technically cannot perform all of the tasks as teachers at my school board. Not to say that teaching assistants are not capable, under legislation, both posts have different roles in the schools. And as far as I know, being a teaching assistant will definitely give you great teaching experience but you cannot work your way up to become a teacher without an education least where I live.

If you are seriously thinking about becoming a teaching but is not sure. I'd say go and become a volunteer at schools or participate in local kids' tutoriing programs to see how you like it. Hope that helps.
2007-12-29 3:48 am
In England you need a university degree to get on a teacher training course. The teacher training can be university or workplace based. You could do a part-time university degree. My friend does this and only has to attend university one evening a week.
2007-12-29 3:46 am
You'll need some sort of college education in order to become a teacher.
2007-12-29 9:51 am
You can go to a school that doesn't call itself a University, such as The College Of William and Mary and still become a teacher.

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