
2007-12-29 7:03 am

回答 (3)

2007-12-29 7:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
From now on, I don't care anything, I just want to be with you.
2007-12-30 7:38 am
I don't care about anything at this moment. I simply want to be with you.
剩係/只是 = simply

現在 = at this moment, now

上面用戶們大致上對,但他們忘記了"care" 後面有前置詞 (preposition "about"), 因為句子後面還有下文, 我唔在乎(句子後面還有下文)就是: I don't care about...

但如果你想講:"我唔在乎!"- I don't care!

但如果你想講:"你根本唔在乎我的感受!" - You never care about my feelings!
參考: 美國碩士學生
2007-12-29 7:56 am
I don't care anything else at the moment, butI just want to be with you.

2008-01-03 02:22:40 補充:
回複:龜博士感覺上care about後邊只能+名詞或+句子,但不能+anything這些詞.你可以說: I don't care about you 或 I don't care what are you thinking about.但如果表達我不在乎任何嘢,只需用: I don't care anything = I care nothing.也就是說樓主的這句英文還可以譯成: I care nothing at the moment but only you and to be with you.

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