
2007-12-29 5:47 am
If you have any problem, please contact me.
If you should have any problem, please contact me.

回答 (5)

2007-12-29 8:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
should can be ommited from the sentence, just like sometimes we ommit 'that' in a sentence, 'If you should have any problem, please contact me.' is a more formal and traditional type of english, they both have the same meaning
2007-12-29 5:58 am
這兩句是沒有分別的,但if ... should的句子比較不普遍

升 起 、 假 如

有 些 句 子 以 Should you do something 開 始 , 是 甚 麼 意 思 呢 ?
Should 字 可 以 用 於 假 設 句 , 例 如 : ( 1 ) If anyone should call ( = if anyone calls ) , let me know ( 假 如 有 人 打 電 話 來 , 請 告 訴 我 ) 。 ( 2 ) If Mary should be there ( = If Mary is there ) , I'll tell her ( 假 如 瑪 麗 在 那
, 我 會 告 訴 她 ) 。 凡 是 這 類 if ... should 的 句 子 , 都 可 用 倒 裝 法 ( inversion ) 改 寫 , 例 如 : Should anyone call, let me know 、 Should Mary be there, I'll tell her 等 。 Should you do something , 就 是 「 假 如 你 做 某 事 」 的 意 思 。 If ... should 這 句 式 並 不 常 用 , 一 般 而 言 , 用 「 if 簡 單 現 在 式 動 詞 」 就 可 以 了 。

2007-12-29 5:56 am
If you should have any problem, please contact me.

If you have any problem, please contact me.

2007-12-29 5:54 am
If you have any problem, please contact me. 係"你有咩問題...請和我聯絡"

If you should have any problem, please contact me. 係"你應該有什麼問題......請和我聯絡"
2007-12-29 5:53 am
If you should have any problem,pleasae contact me is a wrong sentance!
It didn't make sense!

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