
2007-12-29 5:37 am
1.  Past Continuous係咩意思??(又詳細又易明得分)

2.  Present Perfect Tense 係咩意思??(一樣)

3. ’’1’’同’’2’’點分??

回答 (2)

2007-12-29 5:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) Past Continuous 係過去進行式....常用於2種動作同時進行.... eg.: Mary was reading while John was writing. oR Mary was reading while the telephone rang.

(2) Present Perfect 係指1 D過去gE 動作....而D動作會影響到現在....... eg. Paul has written a letter to Mary a minute ago. [因為Paul 岩岩寫左信比Mary 所以佢暫時5會寫]
亦適用於事實(fact) eg.:太陽從東方升起....係不變gE事實

2007-12-29 5:48 am
1. was /were +ing (e.g was swimming)
2. has/have +pp(e.g. have broken)
3.The first one was happening or was doing at a particular moment in the past. As for the second one, it has just happened not long ago.

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