The following table shows the departure time of routes 6C and 6F buses from terminus A from 6:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.
6C | 6:00 | 6:10 | 6:20| 6:30 | 6:40 | 6:50 | 7:00 | 7:10 | 7:20|
6F | 6:02 | 6:12 | 6:22| 6:32 | 6:42 | 6:52 | 7:02 | 7:12 | 7:22|
Jane takes a route 6C or 6F bus at terminus A every day between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.She gets on the bus whichever depats earlier.
Find the probability that Jane gets on a route 6C bus at least once in three successive days.