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2007-12-28 7:29 pm
After I watching this film, I would recommend this book to my friends,because the story is so insteresting and can learn some new words to make me looking more ,the English is so easy, the characters of the film are so beautiful, the studio is very good. it make people laugh and it is very exciting. it have some touching parts to make me touch.

回答 (4)

2007-12-28 8:46 pm
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After watched the film, I will recommend my friends to read the original copy of the book. I think the story is quite interesting. When I watched the film copy, I learned some new English vocabruaries. I found that the English wording in this film is easy to understand. In addition, the scenes and the characters were well selected. I enjoyed this movie very much. Not only it is a movie with funny and exciting scenes, but some parts of it is very touching.
2007-12-28 8:15 pm
After I watching this film, I would recommend this book to my friends,because the story is so insteresting and can learn some new words to make me looking more ,the English is so easy, the characters of the film are so beautiful, the studio is very good. it make people laugh and it is very exciting. It have some touching parts to make me touch.

After I watched this film, I would recommed it to my friends. The story is very interesting plus the fact that it broadens my vocabulary gave me additional incentives to view it repeatedly. The English is easy to comprehen, characters in the film are beautiful,excellent sound effects. The story is hilarious and exciting at the same time. It also has some very tender moments that touches me deeply.

2007-12-28 12:17:54 補充:
sorry, use this part instead: characters in the film are beautiful with excellent sound effects.
參考: self
2007-12-28 7:52 pm
2007-12-28 7:49 pm
第一句我想問...你幾年班呀= =咁都唔識= =同埋"to make me looking more "我唔知你想講咩= = 但係如果"to pull me watching more other films"我就知到你想講咩..
你d文法勁差........還有...句號後面要大階= =" It "make people laugh and it is very exciting" It "have some touching parts to make me touch.

翻譯開始:After I watching this film, I would recommend this book to my friends,because the story is so insteresting and can learn some new words to make me looking more ,the English is so easy, the characters of the film are so beautiful, the studio is very good. it make people laugh and it is very exciting. It have some touching parts to make me touch.


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