Studying LAW

2007-12-28 9:53 am
Halo , I am a person who is studying in australia
Today i was wonderning if i wanna to study i hv to be smart?
Do i hv to had a high EQ or IQ
I am very worried abt my future
I dont know wt to do and i feel helpless
Actually wt i can tell is im not intersting anythings on study
I am a person who easy to give up when i find something hard
but during this few dayz i was thinking when i get older my parents cant support me anymore
And i dont hv much time to waste

回答 (2)

2007-12-28 5:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You may consider what you want to be after your graduation, if you want to be a lawyer, you must study law at least, and you better to be smart and have good memory, besides, you have to consider the employment opportunity in your country. If you have considered all of those factors and still think you can accomplish your dream, then go straight and work hard.
You said your parents won't support you, then you have to rely on yourself, many people have the same situation but they can also succeed if they try their best.
You said you are getting older, I wonder how old you are, I believe that you are very young and so you have much time to try and find your career.
Don't worry too much, it's never be too late if you really want to do something.
Good luck for you!
2007-12-30 12:09 am
If you want to study law, you certainly have to be smart (at least smarter than the majority of people).
Having high IQ/EQ might help, but it all comes down to how well you did when you were studying in high school/secondary school. If your marks are low, you might not even get into university, nevermind the law program.
Law students are required to do a lot of reading, research and writing. If they don't sound like what you want to do, I would suggest you NOT to try admitting into the program because you are not likely to succed and graduate with a LLB.
You should consider getting scholarships/bursary or student loans (ie. Higher Education Loan Programme), etc to finance your education.
Talk to a counsellor in your school about your future might help you decide which field you want to go into.

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