What has your spouse given you for Christmas for the last five years and has it shown that they know you well?

2007-12-27 10:36 pm
1. 2007
2. 2006
3. 2005
4 2004
5 2003

Thank you

For answers like the one Primealcl... gave: The whole motive behind my question is to see if spouses really know eachother. Gifts they give tell a lot!

回答 (11)

2007-12-27 10:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007 - Kenneth Cole Boots
2006 - Pink Saphire Necklace/Earrings
2005 - Diamond Bracelet/ Tiffany Necklace
2004 - Engagement Ring
2003 - ??? Can't remember...

But my husband is great at gifts. I know I'm always going to get something great from him. I love everything I've gotten and we usually give muliple gifts to each other. The ones listed above are the big main gifts.
2007-12-28 9:50 pm
We haven't been together for 5 years yet!

2007: GHD Hair Straighteners (PERFECT!!)
2006: Warm fluffy jumper (slightly big but I like it like that)
2005: A really cute denim jacket
2004: a necklace and bar for my belly button.

He knows me well, but lacks confidence in his own choice of gifts.
2007-12-28 10:04 am
my husband has never bought me a gift that I like.. he always buys stuff I need and not want and that burns me up. The last gift he bought me it was for the house and I threw it at him... Buy me something for me and not something everybody else can use!!!!!!
2007-12-28 6:48 am
1. 2007 - nothing
2. 2006 - nothing
3. 2005 - nothing
4 2004 - a foot spa
5 2003 - nothing

He knows, he just don't care.
2007-12-28 6:44 am
I usually get some jewelry, nice and moderately expensive. but he has to get advice from my daughter otherwise he doesn't have a clue
2007-12-28 6:44 am
what does it matter? If you love each other, who cares? My spouse and I got 50 bucks a piece from our tax return and the rest went on the kids, because things were tight this year. I dont want to remember material things. That isnt what matters.
2007-12-28 6:41 am
I usually get jewlery - some pretty nice stuff. Thought one year in the past five I got some really crappy stuff. No thought went into his gift at all. They came from the hard ware store... it was pretty pathetic. I was insulted. He should have known better. I had bought him a really nice leather jacket that year too.

This year I got a great gift because I told my kids what I wanted. No jewels this year and I am just fine with that.
And what about you?
2007-12-28 6:41 am
1. 2007 - money $100 what a boring gift
2. 2006 - money $150 another boring gift
3. 2005 - a purse
4. 2004 - can't remember
5. 2003 - I really can't remember
2007-12-28 6:44 am
Cash only! I know it's kind of boring, and he's not a very romantic guy.
2007-12-28 6:40 am
Well I'm dating a new guy and he got me a satellite radio for my car. I love it!

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