Please answer i have been an idiot!?

2007-12-27 10:09 pm
so i got an envelope from my b/f at my mum's house, which is unusual since i live with him, my b/f was at work at the time. i thought this was a bit odd..

i automatically thought he was gonna leave me so i called him up giving him a mouthful of crap saying that i was dumb for trusting him etc, he got really p1ssed at me and slammed the phone down. i opened the envelope and it was a letter explaining how much i meant to him and that he loved me forever! with a poem inside too! i have apologised since and he laughed about it, but i still feel bad, how can i make it up to him?

To Tanya, yeah i know i have been an idiot, we have been together for 5 years now so no i do not think he should find someone else. I just made a mistake and I do realise how lucky I am to have him. he has made mistakes in the past too and i have forgiven him for them.

回答 (20)

2007-12-27 10:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
LMAO @ U................Too funny.......
See you could have messed up your relationship thinking the wrong thing.
Take him out to a nice dinner, or and a movie. Come home run his bath water. Have some nice candles lit, to make the setting. if you drink have the glasses already chilled.You know the rest..........Treat him like a king even if it's only for that one nite. Give him your all, and I mean all. Smile....
2007-12-28 6:16 am
You've got a good boyfriend there! Cherish him, adore him and give him lots of respect - tell him once a day, something you respect about him and watch him light up!
2007-12-28 6:29 am
You could write him one back, but somehow I'm not sure that it makes the same impact on a guy as it does a girl. It sounds like you have a really great guy on your hands. He's willing to forgive you and look past it without you really doing anything for him. I don't think there's any one thing you want to or can do to make it up to him in one swift move.

Instead, you may want to just take him out on a really sweet date. Take him somewhere special and do soemthing you know he likes to do. But more importantly, let him know again how embarassed you are and how much he means to you. It doesn't have to be a big hoorah, it can even be a romantic dinner you two make together. Something you both enjoy.

I think the making up for it process is a long and involved one, and that's not a bad thing. Just everytime you're mad at him, remember how you've messed up too and he's forgiven you. Always let him know how much he means to you. Just show him you trust him for as long as you're together. The best thing you can do is to make sure you're always working to improve the quality of the relationship with him. That is, afterall, what it's all about.
2007-12-28 6:24 am
I think this is more than just the letter thing. You probably think you don't deserve him or you are insecure in the relationship and this may have been the root cause for you to react this way.

Judging from the letter he wrote he loves you and it is up to you to work out your relationship in your head first and then trying to work things out with him. How much you say is irrelevant until you can demonstrate that your reaction was one off.
2007-12-28 6:23 am
awww...that's so sweet of him, lol, don't assume next time. it's ok, don't worry, as long as you make it up to him already. if you still feel bad, you can take him out to broadway show or go on a short trip together or have a nice fancy dinner or whatever you want do to. love has no boundary, anything you do is correct and as long as it comes from your heart.
2007-12-28 6:22 am
I know it's not right - but I think it's really hilarious. Don't worry you've got a nice bf, i'm sure he forgive you already. You may do something nice to him, cook him a dinner, shoulder rub (only if he wants one). Massage... I'm sure he'll be super happy.
2007-12-28 6:16 am
well if i were u i'd actually read the letter 1st lol...and you're really lucky to have a bf who loves you so much u should never let him go...u should probly do the same and send him a letter saying how much u love and appreciate him and if u dont write poems look up one on the net and just send him lol!
2007-12-28 6:13 am
wow you didnt even read it!yea you messed up there!do the same to him send him a poem in the mail.but like if hes at work then wait till he gets home buy groceries and then before you come back mail the letter.(just try and let him be a lone while at home..)
2007-12-28 6:20 am
Why in the heck would you jump to such a conclusion????? Yep, that was really really dumb! You can apologize over and over but things won't ever be the same. Sorry, it's a lesson in growing up I guess. By the way, you have NO business living with him if you don't trust him in the first place.
2007-12-28 6:14 am
Does your b/f listen to the radio at work? In the car? If so make a dedication to him on the radio when you know he will be listening and apologise publicly...
Write him a reply to his poem...
Tell him you love him...

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