
2007-12-28 6:22 am
In a box of oranges,the number of rotten oranges is 1/19 of the total number of oranges.If 3 more rotten oranges are put into the box, the total number of rotten oranges is 1/10 of the total number of oranges.Find the original number of rotten oranges in the box.用方程式解答...我想問呢條題目有無出錯啊?我計來計去都計唔到,,,

回答 (3)

2007-12-28 6:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
let (a) be the number of total oranges,
then, a/19 is the number of rotten oranges.

3 more rotten oranges are put into the box, the total number of rotten oranges is 1/10 of the total number of oranges--->
Total num of oranges = 3+a
number of rotten oranges = a/19+3 = (57+a)/19
the ratio is now 1/10, so (57+a)/19 / (3+a) = 1/10
(57+a)/(9+3a) =1/10
2007-12-28 7:47 pm
Let x be the no. of rotten oranges.

3 + x ÷ 1/19 = (x + 3) ÷ 1/10
3 + 19x = 10x + 30
9x = 27
x = 3

因為 x ÷ 1/19 是原本橙的總數,(x + 3) ÷ 1/10 是加入 3 個橙後的總數

2007-12-28 12:42:09 補充:
2007-12-28 9:26 am
Let n be the original number of total oranges, then
(n/19) = original number of rotten oranges

As 3 more rotten oranges are put into the box, so
new number of rotten oranges = (n/19) + 3
new number of total oranges = n + 3

(n/19) + 3 = (n + 3)/10
n = 57

So, the origianl number of rotten oranges = 57/19 = 3

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