Biology osmosis

2007-12-28 5:17 am
can maltose pass through dialysis tubing?
which common carbohydrate can pass through?
Which cannot?

但點解biology hkcee 1995(2) mc 第5條. 有d starch solution 同amylase 係個dialysis tubing 入面 出面有distilled water.. 個答案係c. 話dialysis tubing allowed reducing sugar to pass through 既?? starch + amylase 唔係變maltose 咩?? 咁點解maltose 可以pass through?

回答 (2)

2007-12-29 8:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
maltose CAN pass through dialysis tubing.
Actually , those carbohydrates with a molecular size smaller than the holes on the dialysis tubing could pass through it.
I am sure that all monosaccharides including glucose , fructose could pass through it.
It depends on which disaccharides you are concerning maltose could pass through it , but sucrose cannot.
And I am sure that those polysaccharides such as starch are too large to pass through it.
參考: 教科書+自己
2007-12-28 8:20 am
No, maltose cannot pass through dialysis tubings. This because maltose is a disaccharide. Only Monosaccharides can pass though a dialysis tubing as they have smaller sizes comparing with disaccharides and polysaccharides. A dialysis tubing only allow small molecules, such as monosaccharides, to pass through it.

Please refer to the bottom part of the website below to recognise some monosaccharides (which can pass through a dialysis tubing):

Please refer to the bottom parts of the websites below to recognise some disaccharides and polysaccharides (which cannot pass through a dialysis tubing):

2007-12-28 00:23:29 補充:
line one, the word "is" is missing. change to:This is because maltose is a disaccharide.line four, the word "allow" is incorrect. It should be "allows".
參考: my knowledge

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