有關英文作文的問題{英文高手請進} '[歡迎。回答`~ 急/*!!!

2007-12-28 3:49 am
請問大家可否教我作一篇英文作文,題目是''A Lesson In Life''我想大家教我怎樣開頭與及怎樣作。我想作的內容是:我難忘的一節跳繩課,我想說我在比賽前的每一節課都努力地練習,但我在比賽前練習的最後一節課卻受傷了,不能練習,結果不能在比賽中獲得好成績。在比賽後的跳繩課別人在領獎時我很不開心,因為我不能獲獎。但我的跳繩老師就跟我說:比賽不是在乎是否獲獎,最重要的是練習過程。(我想大家替我作結尾,因為我想不到.......)
這篇文要100-200字 如有問題,你可以電郵至[email protected]問我 你作好也可以傳送至這個電郵我會給寫得最好的20分(最佳解答)

回答 (2)

2008-01-05 10:23 pm
With respect to time management, I think I am able to handle it. I think for studying, it would be the best if we can make a timetable. Nowadyas, many teenagers only study a few days before the exam. In my opinion, I think this studying method is not only not good enough, but also it does not help in absorbing the knowledge we have learnt. I have my principles in studying. I give myself some requirements in studying. I will revise what I have learnt in the school everyday.

In the holidays, I will go to the library to revise with some friends because it is more easily to be concentrated in studying in the library. In the lessons, I will use a notebook to jot down some important points that the teachers have said. Besides, I think I am more able to use the time that most people think is useless, i.e., the time on the public transport, waiting for friends or in the recess time to read some books or reflect what I have done in the day. I will reflect on what I have not done well and what methods would help me to do better next time. If I can continue this habit, the time that people think that is useless will become useful, therefore we should not underestimate this "useless&am p;amp;quot; time.
Moreover, I will make a timetable in studying so that I can study orderly.

In fact, I am not only able in managing time in studying, but also I have my own principles in daily life. I am able to be punctual because everyday I will give myself a time to sleep. I think to be punctual is easy if and only if you can have a habit of sleeping early and getting up early. I remembered that when I was small, I had an appointment with my friend, because I was late, the friend ignored me forever. I had learnt a lesson and determined to be a punctual person to prevent being late again. In fact time managemant is a suitable arrangement in daily life. Nevertheless, we should not focus too much on time management sometimes. Then we can have a wonderful life!
Story about life
My best friend is Joyce Mok.She is 12 years old.We were friends when we were primary 5 students.I always call her when I have questions about my homework.She is smart because she can solve my problem each time.I like Maths and Language as she does.We always have recess together when I am not on duty.I will buy her some snacks when we have recess together.
One day,Michelle called her Momo.When I asked her whether she loved this nickname,she said she hated it.I try to tell Michelle that Joyce did not like this name but she did not listen to me.So we quarrel together.Then Joyce gave me a Christmas present and a card.I forgave her and we had recess together.
Last week,we had quarrel again because Miss Chan had to choose the drama characters.Joyce and I loved acting too.So we put up our hands to act in the drama.The drama was "New Cinderalla" .But Miss Chan choose me to act the Cinderalla and Joyce was unhappy.She thought I was not good enough to act in this drama.I said sorry and promised her I would let her to act in the next drama.
No one can affect our friendship.Our friendship will last forever.
參考: 有4篇任你挑
2008-01-03 2:44 am
A lesson in life

my memorable rope skipping lesson.in the before compete lesson, i were try hard to practice, but i were in my last lesson that before the copete, i bruise..i cant practise.Lastly,i cant take a good result in the compete. In the rope skipping lesson that after the compete, others isnt care that i can or cannot get the prize, they think that the importance is the process of practise.

A lesson in life is important, but i think that i must enjoy the lesson, not just want to get the prize.

P.S` ending 吾系好識寫`sorry`

dont copy`thz`

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