
2007-12-27 11:44 pm
We first met Redding a long time ago at AFCD. His story had been in Apple Daily when he was rescued from the sea, and for some reason he was kept for some months at AFCD. He arrived there as a very thin dog but put on weight, and when we finally took him out he was so happy. We don't know his age but he is a young adult, very loving and good looking.

回答 (2)

2007-12-28 9:04 am
✔ 最佳答案

We first met Redding a long time ago at AFCD. His story had been in Apple Daily when he was rescued from the sea, and for some reason he was kept for some months at AFCD. He arrived there as a very thin dog but put on weight, and when we finally took him out he was so happy. We don't know his age but he is a young adult, very loving and good looking.

我們在漁農處第一次見到 Redding是很久以前的事 。他被獲救的故事曾經被蘋果日報報導過。但因為某些原因﹐ 他被漁農處保管了幾個月。當 Redding初到漁農處時﹐ 他是一頭瘦小的小狗, 但在漁農處的照顧下, 他的體重增加長胖了。 當我們領養他時﹐ 他是一頭很快樂的小狗。我們並不知道Redding的年齡﹐ 只知道他很年青﹐ 非常逗人喜愛和好看。
參考: My translation
2007-12-27 11:53 pm
我相信個故仔係講一隻狗仔由漁護處拎返黎, 而佢係由海度被救 (蘋果日報有報導過)!
唔知佢係幾歲, 只知係後生既成年太! 佢之前好瘦但仍然可愛健康! 當拎走佢時佢都好開心!
參考: 自己

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