請曾經在外國留過學既人!!! help10分!.

2007-12-27 10:16 pm

我宜家13yrs` F.2. ;
在我P.5的時候, 我想要外國讀.
在P.6的時候, 我ask左我mum. 佢話等我大過d n' 有 take care 自已嘅能力.
Now,, 我 F.2了... 不過我就係唔知點同佢地講?!.
本人曾在F.1 summer 去外遊學.

回答 (4)

2007-12-27 10:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你要明白出國留學不是自己一廂情願的想法, 特別你年紀尚少.

1. 你要清楚自己家庭的經濟條件. 去英國/美國留學起碼要20萬一年或更高. 中學(20萬x4)+3x大學(30萬x3), 總計接近180萬.
2. 你要解釋到你出國讀書的主要理由, 不是有朋友仔去了留學自己便要去.
3. 你要顯示自己有獨立生活和自覺性地讀書的能力.
4. 香港的(非官立)中學教育一般而言都唔錯, 與其花20萬在外國讀, 不如入香港的直資/國際學校. 你有沒有留意這方面的資訊.
5. 你必須要尊重你父母的想法, 他們可能出於你年紀少或經濟的問題而反對你的建議.
2008-01-01 7:28 am
Your parents are right. You are too young to study aboard.

However, it does not mean it is impossible to make your dream come true. I suggest you have a further planning or proposal before convincing your parents to let you go.

Suggested Q&A for the conversation with you parents:

1. Which country do you want to go? Why?
2. What will you learn or earn from studying board? What is the main difference between the education system from HK and the country you pick?
3. What is the budget? How many years will you spend?
4. What procedures or things you need to do in order to study aboard like visa or school application?

If you can do all of the above by yourself, you have proved yourself that is able to handle life without parents. So I bet your parents will support you totally. Let me tell you the truth, studying aboard is not a easy or comfortable life, you will trade off your most important family life on your teenagehood to a cold and lonely student life.

Anyways, good Luck!!
參考: I live and study in US for almost 10 years
2007-12-28 1:47 am
i've been studying abroad since i was 9, so i really don't think 13 is too young. i am lucky enough to have parents who had the right idea, and i'm so grateful they sent me away at that age, if i could choose again i would choose to go even earlier. so good luck to you.

the advantages of going abroad early:
1) you will have less of a chinese accent
2) you will integrate better with others, because ppl are generally more accepting when they're young
3) you will be less afraid of making mistakes, which in turn, will make your english better
4) you will learn to be independent and be adaptable to different environments
5) you will learn to think in a way that's impossible in the hong kong environment
6) if you go to a boarding school, it will take basic care of you anyway, you'll have food, accommodation, etc. there will also be a relatively strict set of rules you will have to follow - a good thing in parents' books, you will learn to be obedient and go by the rules of institutions

i'm sure i can come up with another 5 or 10 but i dont really have time now sorry.

2007-12-27 23:40:41 補充:
having said that, all the advantages mentioned above are only possible if u truly make the effort and integrate with the locals. there's no point in going away staying only in ur chinese crew, because you can do that right here in hk

2007-12-27 23:40:56 補充:
i think u need to look at the real reason why ur parents are declining to send u away. if it's the financials then there's nothing u can do, i'm afraid. if it's your safety or ur ability to take care of urself, then u can reason with them
2007-12-27 11:24 pm
Ask yourself W W W H H

Why do you want to study abroad?
To be away from your family? To experience a new life? To learn a foreign language? You have to have a good reason.

Where do you want to go?
To an English speaking country? To a country where you have relatives? To a country which climate is totally different from Hong Kong?
Bear it in mind that climate is something you have to consider as well.

Who will go with you?
Are you going alone? You are only 13, it is against the law in most countries for a 13-year-old to live alone. Do you plan to homestay? Will you live in school dorm?

How can you go?
What is your average grade? Do you meet the entry requirements of the schools? Many countries do not issue student visas to junior high schoolers unless their family go with them or they have local sponsors. Do you have local sponsors?

How much?
Do you parents have sufficient fund to support you?

After all, I honestly think 13-years-old is too young to study abroad. You should spend time with your family until at least the age of 16.

2007-12-28 18:11:41 補充:
Every family has it's own value. There is no right or wrong answer. From my point of view, 13 is too young to be away from family.

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