EASY ENG.........20

2007-12-27 9:15 pm
好似First,Next,After that呀果D呢?

回答 (6)

2007-12-27 10:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
呢類詞語叫 conjunction

- In addition
- However
- Although
- Yet
- Still
- But
- Notwithstanding (雖然,儘管)
- While
- Albeit
- On the other hand
- During the time
- In the meantime
- At the time
- When
- Because
- Since
- Whereas (反之;卻;而)
- Also
- So
- Therefore
- Finally
諗住甘多先;; h()pe thats help!.
2007-12-31 5:50 am
First/First of all 第一/首先/第一步
Next/Second 第二/接着/然後
Third 第三
Fourth 第四
Then 跟着(跟住)/接着
After That/After This 在這之後......
Last Step/Finally 最後
Before That 在這之前......

Hope these can help you!!
2007-12-27 9:41 pm
later, after; afterwards, then ,eventually,lastly, finally, in conclusion, in the endthen ,second ,finally,third ,fourth,fifth,after ,before
2007-12-27 9:27 pm
1.later; after; afterwards, then eventually; lastly; finally; in conclusion; in the end
2007-12-27 9:25 pm
then ,second ,finally,third ,fourth,fifth,after ,before
2007-12-27 9:19 pm
還是不太明白你要甚麼, 不如再詳細一點.

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