
2007-12-27 6:59 pm
我在論壇的戀愛問題 看見1/0/10,什麼是1/0/10?

回答 (3)

2007-12-27 7:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 同 0 係一些 男同性戀者既代號
1係 插人既..0 係俾人插...
而 10 仔就係 可以插人..又俾人插

通常插人 扮演男角(1)...俾人插扮演女角(0)...但兩者都ok 既 就係(10) la!
2008-01-03 2:41 am
you may image the figure.
1 and 0
use 1 to put into 0 means what?

The answer is : 1 stand for the person act as a man, use his dick to suck into the others ass.
0 stand for the person act as a woman, use his ass to be sucked.
10 means he could/like to act as a man or woman, depending on the other person like.

PS. for man only
2007-12-27 7:04 pm
參考: 未經本人同意,不得複製本人回答

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