
2007-12-27 6:42 pm
我想問吓有冇人知道邊間航空公司有直航機飛去LA呀? 因為國泰好黑人憎呀!

回答 (4)

2007-12-28 6:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Besides Cathay Pacific flying from Hong Kong to Los Angeles non-stop, United Airlines is another (even worse) choice. They have just started operations on UA856 and UA867, which, like CX is a Boeing 747-400(definitely an much older one).

United is famous for rude cabin crew, and NO entertainment in Economy and you have to arrive at the airport 3 hours advance. Besides, they will open up all luggage you carry(even those you check-in) and inspect it thoroughly. Also their meals are really mediocre.

UA is really cheap. You shouldn't try it, even business class!
參考: Personal Experience
2008-01-09 7:21 am
You think CX is bad...try UA....then u'll appreciate how good CX is....
2008-01-07 8:40 am
I recently fly with United Airline from San Fransico to Sydeny.It was a great trip,the cabin crew was nice and don't understand why you say US is cheap.I don't see cathay pacific is much better either?
2007-12-27 9:03 pm
仲有 united airlines UA. 如一定要直航, 只得呢2間 ka la. 不過 UA 都唔好得幾多. D 空姐又老. 飛機餐仲難食 D. D 機亦都舊 D ka.

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