monash uni ( clayton campus ) 問題!!

2007-12-27 10:50 am
我將會係08年2 月過clayton 入dip course
有些問題希望大家可解答!! THZ

1. CLAYTON 多唔多香港人架?
2.宿舍NORMANBY HOUSE 好唔好架?地方大唔大架?係咪男女同一層架?
上網係咪一定要用UNI PROVIDE 個個架?因為好貴呀...$12AUS/ G 呀...有冇其他方法係宿舍上網平D 架??
讀完ACCOUNT 返HK 易唔易搵到工呀? BIG 4 會唔會請呀?
4.讀 ACCOUNT 係咪 WORKLOAD 好大呀?會唔會成日FAIL 架?

1000000個THZ !!!
如果你都係CLAYTON 讀緊 OR 將去讀, 留個MSN 做FD 呀 ~~~ =]

回答 (2)

2007-12-27 7:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. quite many
2. no idea
3. quite good in OZ, y dun u just choose 2 majors? careers prospects should be ok, but whether u will be grabbed by the big4 mainly depends on yr own ability
4. not difficult to get a pass if u have studied
參考: monash student
2016-10-13 8:22 pm
Normanby House Monash

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