
2007-12-27 9:57 am
品質管理七個基本經神1.必須確實符合需求。品質之追求,硬是有計劃地, 設定品質標準,按步就班,務使工作之每一環節,都能確切達到需求標準,以確保品質符合需求。

回答 (4)

2007-12-27 10:22 pm
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Quality management in the overall management function only, involved in the policy decisions and the implementation of quality part.
Quality management activities of the organizations covered strategic planning, allocation of resources and other relevant quality systems in all activities, such as quality planning, quality assessment and quality operations.
Quality management is a "quality" as the center of scientific management and quality in the enterprise stressed the importance of a quality goal at the same time should be resolved through management tool.
Klaus quality than the Masters (Crosby), in its "quality free", a book has definition: "Quality Management" is a kind of "application system in a manner to ensure that the organization can be established according to plan and promote the quality of the completed activities." It stressed that systematic, organized, as planned, with the aim to strengthen the business activities of the staff.
Seven basic quality management as a god. Must truly meet the demand. The pursuit of quality, and simply planned to set quality standards, step-by-step to ensure that every aspect of work can achieve precise needs standards to ensure that quality meet the demand.
參考: me
2007-12-27 7:38 pm
The quality control only in the whole management function, involves
the related decision and carries out the quality policy part. The
quality control covers the organization to move in the strategy plan,
the resource distribution and all that related quality system all
activities, for example quality plan, quality work and quality
appraisal. The quality control is one kind take "the quality" of
scientific management as the center, emphasized the quality in
enterprise's importance, had not simultaneously achieved the quality
goal to be supposed to penetrate the management method. Tube master's
Claus "the quality free" in a book once defined compared to (Crosby)
in it: " The quality control "is one kind" way of the application
system, guaranteed the organization can depend on decides the plan,
promotes completes each quality activity ", it emphasizes the
systematic characteristic, the organization sense, the plan
achievement of, its goal in strengthened enterprise activity staff.
Quality control seven basically after god 1. Must truly conform to the
demand. Pursue the quality, actually has the plan place, the
hypothesis quality standard, in orderly fashion, is sure each of the
link work, all can exactly achieve the demand standard, guarantees the
quality to conform to the demand.
2007-12-27 7:05 pm
Among the whole management system, Quality Control's duty is to take part in
determining and executing the quality policy.
Quality Control covers the works of strategy planning, resourcing distribution and
all the activities relating to quality control system, such as quality plan, quality work
and quality evaluation.
Quality Control is a kind of Scientific Management, mainly concentrating on quality,
that plays an important role in enterprises. Meanwhile, the goal of quality achievement
should be processed through the methods of management.
Quality Control Master Crosby indicated in his book, called QUALITY FREE OF CHARGES with a definition that Quality Control is to be under the systematic style
in guarantee the organizing with a strictly fixed scheme, to promote every step of
quality management works. The book emphasized the theory of systematic , organizing, well-prepared planning, that the goal is to strengthen the staff members'
work performance.
Among the seven principles of quality control, the first one of which is to ensure
the quality to be in conformity with the demand. To achieve the goal about quality,
a strictly schemed plan of fixing the standard of quality is to be needed step by step
to ensure every part of work in meeting with the standard as demanded.
2007-12-27 10:12 am
The quality control only in the whole management function, involves
the related decision and carries out the quality policy part. The
quality control covers the organization to move in the strategy plan,
the resource distribution and all that related quality system all
activities, for example quality plan, quality work and quality
appraisal. The quality control is one kind take "the quality" of
scientific management as the center, emphasized the quality in
enterprise's importance, had not simultaneously achieved the quality
goal to be supposed to penetrate the management method. Tube master's
Crosby "the quality free" in a book once defined in it: " The quality
control "is one kind" way of the application system, guaranteed the
organization can depend on decides the plan, promotes completes each
quality activity ", it emphasizes the systematic characteristic, the
organization sense, the plan achievement of, its goal in strengthened
enterprise activity staff. Quality control seven basically after god
1. Must truly conform to the demand. Pursue the quality, actually has
the plan place, the hypothesis quality standard, in orderly fashion,
is sure each of the link work, all can exactly achieve the demand
standard, guarantees the quality to conform to the demand.

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