
2007-12-27 5:57 pm
more not smort and like internet my wife it vannam have a girl chind in school i 33 year for in63 bont chinease year 1.19 now i i in find work in computer after go to there and your friend toghter go to work my name is jang so i now not have work every at home i not but news peper i us in computer in short so not in time in friee i like read some time i write mail to my friend and go to talk room and my friend i need a work so please talk i can works a new 請問這篇有甚麼要修改的地方 麻煩幫小弟看一下 這是104的英文自傳

我是說我今年33歲 有一個小孩 我每天在家 希望能和你們一起工作 我需要工作請告訴我新的工作 而且我都是上網在找 有時我會寫一些郵件 我用電腦找工作 我太太是越南人 我喜歡閱讀

回答 (8)

2008-01-01 2:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(I decoded this content. -- I am a "Code Talker". I live in the area close to US Navajo Native American tribe. Did you hear "Code Talker" story in World War II? I'm kidding. Forget it.)

My name is Jan So. I was born in 1963. My age is 33. ( 以上則一即可 ) I have a happy family. My wife is a Vietnamese. I have a daughter.

I need a job right now. (甚麼工作? ) I really hope your company give me a job opportunity. ... (你能作甚麼? 希望找甚麼? ) I have experience in ... ... I can do ... ... I am familiar with ... ... I am good in computer related jobs.

I like reading all kind of books. (Read what? )

I usually look for jobs on Internet.
2008-01-02 1:24 am
I am 33 years old and I pormise that I will work hard if I can get this job. I worked for 你寫中文我幫你打 好了: 履利表 別這樣打 說你的優點 或 經歷
家裡形況 不用說 謝啦
2007-12-28 10:58 am

2007-12-27 10:50 pm
你這樣無從改起 不如把中文放上來 幫你整修門面
2007-12-27 8:32 pm
我看這篇沒人回答 我真的很想幫你 不過這一篇錯字太多 文法也很誇張的怪 完全不曉得你想說什麼 想幫也都下不了手

it doesn't make sense at ALL.....

我會勸你寫一篇中文版 醬也比較好猜你要表達的意思!

以本人在美國18年的經驗 這樣的文章真的難倒我了~ 若另有高人可以解答 我在這說先聲"佩服"!
參考: 自己
2007-12-27 7:05 pm
2007-12-27 6:18 pm
那該怎麼辦 又是必備的 寫不好又容易被看出 孤陋寡文

2007-12-28 12:16:14 補充:
謝謝大家幫我解決 台灣人真的好可愛 可是這是我自己打的 所以很簡單
最少我自己覺得 這不是用翻的
2007-12-27 6:05 pm
個人覺得, 文字表達的好壞其次, 對公司有沒有情感認同才是錄用與否的關鑑

所以, 別花太多力氣在寫履歷表上面吧 !

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