
2007-12-27 6:47 am
大家好,我想加入香港公司秘書公會做學生會員,但在公會個website看到有一個entry requirements話要找一個會員推薦:
3. Every applicant for registration must be recommended as fit and proper for admission to the examinations of the Institute by a member of the Institute or by a person of professional standing.


回答 (1)

2007-12-28 7:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
完全唔駛擔心,我於今年年尾剛register 為student member,我係搵我當時的上司(佢都係co. sec)推薦我,我當日問過hkics,佢地話會計師 & lawyer都冇問題。
仲有起我上hkics register o個日,我親眼見過一名女仔搵佢的醫生去證明佢係 " fit and proper for admission to the examinations " ,佢的醫生起份form上面dub chop兼簽名,佢的arguing point係公會要求person of professional standing 都可以,結果公會的staff 都話ok! 簡單一句,公會的人其實都唔係要執得太正,當然搵doctor 去推薦你可能有d 過份.......不過只要reg 到就冇問題啦!
最後,報paper 考試更加唔駛要人推薦,只要你交足exam fee 咪ok law!
參考: I am also student member of HKICS!

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