about Dreamever 6.0

2007-12-27 5:41 am
點解用Dreamever 6.0 整網站,上傳左去sever, 但上網體5到既??乜原因呢??
上到網就顯示妮滴野: Apache/2.2.6 (Fedora) Server at csclub.smcc.edu.hk Port 80
點解決阿???? 救我阿!!

可以詳細些嗎?? 好急阿!!! 幫幫我!! 55~~~ 我整得柒柒八八拉!! 但卻體5到~~ 唉! 失望阿!! 我仲要交工課嘎!! 唉~~ 甘先最緊要! help me please!!

回答 (1)

2007-12-27 5:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think you can upload the web file once again,if it is still inefficient,you may need to check the file or reinstall the Dreamweaver softwave again.
(Don't copy or I will report to gm)

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