✔ 最佳答案
1 What is the meaning of LABELING EFFECT? The answer may be: We can distinguish
the dress's quality through its LABELING EFFECT.
2 As the boy was bullied by his classmate, I request IMMEDIATE ACTIONS TO BE
TAKEN for stopping the happening again.
3 The SHORT-TERM MEASURES for solving the housing problem are, reduction
in rent and to provide more government houses.
4 To invest in the big and strong companies stock and putting our money in the
fixed deposit are our LONG-TERM STRATGIES for investment.
5The SECRETARY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Company is going to hold a meeting
6 The spokesman of the EDUCATION BUERAU released a message that schools
will not be open to-morrow due to the typhoon.
7 We have to STRIKE A BALANCE both for improving our performance of skating
and dancing.
8 Hard work was the CORNER-STONE of his success.
9 We use CONVERSE ENERGY when doing exercise.
10 The DEPOSABLE UTENSILS, including empty oil cans, empty pesticides cans
etc. must be thrown into a secured garbage bin.
11 The IDLING VEHICLES includes all kinds of vehicles, such as bicycles, cars,
loading trucks, etc. that ae not in motion.
12 The engineers have to INCORPORATE the new car design into the latest
safety features to meet with the standard requirement.
13 What is the meaning of the word SBY in the phrase of WITHIN SBY'S REACH?
Does it mean SOMETHING? We can say: The book is WITHIN MY REACH that
I do not have to leave my seat in getting it.
14 All the staff members should be in COLLABORATION in order to provide the
good services to our customers.
15 The organizer was familiar with the KYOTO PROTOCOL of royal visits.
16 The TURBULENT waves killed many people.
17 We should keep our dogs in LEASH while going outside.
18 This is a SIMPLE PACKAGING method for the goods.
19 The children are BEING BUFFECTED BY THE WIND.
20 I want to HEAR THE WIND WHISTLING during the summer season.