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香港,2007 年8 月9 日 ─ 德勤《酒店行業評測調查》半年結果顯示,亞太地區酒店業的增長較去年更為強勁,區內各地的平均房間收入 (revPAR) 增長了14.1%,達到97美元,超過2006年實現的 9.4% 的增長率,平均客房費率目前為137美元,其兩位數的增長推動了房間收入的增長。

回答 (3)

2007-12-27 6:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) 世界注視東方,亞洲的酒店經營者見證平均客房費率攀升
香港,2007 年8 月9 日 ─ 德勤《酒店行業評測調查》半年結果顯示,亞太地區酒店業的增長較去年更為強勁,區內各地的平均房間收入 (revPAR) 增長了14.1%,達到97美元,超過2006年實現的 9.4% 的增長率,平均客房費率目前為137美元,其兩位數的增長推動了房間收入的增長。
World attention East, Asia hotel operators witnessed an average room rates rose Hong Kong, August 9, 2007 ─ Deloitte "hotel industry evaluation survey" six months results showed that the Asia-Pacific region hotel industry is growing more robust than last year, the region's average room revenue (revPAR) growth of 14.1%, reaching 97 US dollars, more than in 2006 to achieve the growth rate of 9.4%, the average room rate is currently 137 US dollars, double-digit growth in promoting the room revenue growth.
香港,2007 年8 月9 日 ─ 德勤《酒店行業評測調查》半年結果顯示,亞太地區酒店業的增長較去年更為強勁,區內各地的平均房間收入 (revPAR) 增長了14.1%,達到97美元,超過2006年實現的 9.4% 的增長率,平均客房費率目前為137美元,其兩位數的增長推動了房間收入的增長。
The world gazes at the East, Asia's hotel operator testimony average
guest room tariff climbs Hong Kong, on August 9, 2007 - Germany
industrious "Hotel Profession Evaluation Investigation" half year
result showed, the Asian and Pacific area hotel industry growth
compared last year to be stronger, in the area each place average
room income (revPAR) grew 14.1%, achieved 97 US dollars, surpassed
9.4% rates of increment which in 2006 realized, the average guest room
tariff at present is 137 US dollars, its two figures growth impelled
the room income growth.
2007-12-27 6:19 am
香港,2007 年8 月9 日 ─ 德勤《酒店行業評測調查》半年結果顯示,亞太地區酒店業的增長較去年更為強勁,區內各地的平均房間收入 (revPAR) 增長了14.1%,達到97美元,超過2006年實現的 9.4% 的增長率,平均客房費率目前為137美元,其兩位數的增長推動了房間收入的增長。

The world watches the east attentively, the hotel operator of Asia witnesses the average rate of guest room and soars in Hong Kong, August 9, 2007 - Germany is hardworking " the hotel trade assesses and tests and investigates " the result shows, the growth of the hotel industry of the Asian-Pacific area is more powerful than last year in half a year ", the average room incomes of all parts in the district (revPAR) Have increased by 14.1%, is up to 97 U.S. dollars, rate of increase of 9.4% exceeding 2006 and realizing, the average rate of guest room is 137 dollars at present, growth of its two -figure number promotes the growth of the room income.
參考: Dr.eye
2007-12-27 4:12 am
The world gazes at the East, Asia's hotel operator testimony average
guest room tariff climbs Hong Kong, on August 9, 2007 - Germany
industrious "Hotel Profession Evaluation Investigation" half year
result showed, the Asian and Pacific area hotel industry growth
compared last year to be stronger, in the area each place average
room income (revPAR) grew 14.1%, achieved 97 US dollars, surpassed
9.4% rates of increment which in 2006 realized, the average guest room
tariff at present is 137 US dollars, its two figures growth impelled
the room income growth.

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