
2007-12-27 2:34 am
用can,shold and must回答
1.I think I______ buy a new one.
2.How much_________ you spend on a new watch?
3.I think you________not buy an expensive one.
4.That's right! I_________ take care of my new watch!

回答 (4)

2007-12-27 3:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
You"ll understand after reading the Chinese translations.
你睇埋中文解釋, 你就會明啦!!

1.I think I [should] buy a new one.
我諗我 [應該] 買番一隻新
2.How much [can] you spend on a new watch?
你 [可以] 花多少錢買隻新錶?
3.I think you [should] not buy an expensive one.
我諗你唔 [應該] 買隻貴嘅
4.That's right! I [must / should] take care of my new watch!
啱! 我 [必須 / 應該] 錫住我隻新錶!
(所以, must同埋should兩個都得, 但係should比較合適)
參考: me
2007-12-27 2:52 am
1. .I think I__should____ buy a new one.

2. .How much__can_______ you spend on a new watch?

3. I think you___must_____not buy an expensive one.

4. That's right! I___must______ take care of my new watch!
2007-12-27 2:41 am
1. should
2. can
4. must
參考: 100% me!
2007-12-27 2:38 am
1. should
2. can
3. must
4. must


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