Chemistry atoms, bonding..

2007-12-27 2:09 am
1.atoms 要loss or gain e- 才stable. Mg 為例, 佢loss 2 e- 才stable, 但loss 2 e- 這動作要否另一個atom (e.g O, S 這些group 6 的atom)才進行? 定係佢要loss 就loss?

2. Metallic bond 中, 一般都話atoms form positive ions 那些e- 就hold them together. 但e- 不停咁move, 又點令positive ions 走埋一齊? 仲有, 冇一本書會話metallic bond substances 內的是ions, 只會話atoms. 點解?

3. meatl 放入水會form allkaline solution, 但non metal 放入水會唔form acidic solution?

回答 (2)

2007-12-29 8:56 pm
It might not. If you connect a metal to a electric current, the metal still lose e- at one end but gain e- at the other end. 'loss of e-' still happens.
1b) If you have the concept in statability, an atom gains or losses e- to make the outermost shell to have 8 e-, so called 'stable'. If an atom is not stable, it will react with other atoms.

2a)It should be stressed that protons and electons carry charges.Former one carry +ve and the other one carry -ve.
Since opposite charges attract each other, both e- and p. are held together by the electomagnetic attractive force.

2b) Ions are the atoms which lose or gain e- form the environment.
Within the metallic structure, the e- is delocalized around the atoms of metal. N.B. The e- are not gained by the other atoms and esacpe. e- only
Therefore, there is no net gain or loss of e- in atoms.
As a result, we do call metal 'atoms' but not 'ions'.

3) It depends on what you 'put' into the water.

for example, when halogen (group 7) molecules is dissolved in water, chlorine water which contains hydrochlorous acid (HOCl) is formed.

N.B. carbon, silicon , albeit semi-metal, are also non-metal.
Have you ever seen acid will be formed when carbon is 'put' in water?
參考: My litmited chemistry and physic knowledge.
2007-12-27 2:25 am
1. 不需要
2. 不知道
3. non-metal : 會同唔會 ... eg carbon will not, chlorine will

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