
2007-12-27 1:51 am

回答 (9)

2007-12-27 2:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
中文: 我和媽媽一起居住,因為媽媽和爸爸離婚了。
英文: I and mother live together, because mother and the daddy divorced.

2008-01-04 6:46 am
2008-01-02 3:37 am
not proper english
should not use the translation websites
2007-12-27 5:27 pm
I live with mother, because mother has divorced father .
2007-12-27 2:07 am
I and mother live together, because mother and the daddy divorced.
參考: yahoo!babel fish
2007-12-27 2:00 am
I live with my mother as my mather divorced my father.
參考: own knowledge
2007-12-27 1:57 am
l live my mother home because Mum and Dad divorce.
2007-12-27 1:56 am

I and mother live together, because mother and daddy divorced.
參考: 希望可以幫到你啦~~
2007-12-27 1:54 am
I and mother live together, because mother and the daddy divorced.
參考: me、字典

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 21:45:06
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