
2007-12-26 11:44 pm


回答 (6)

2007-12-26 11:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Have you ever tried to ask for help with your work, but is very hard to find someone who can help? or when you need help with something very urgent, but you can't find the suitable people to help?
參考: me
2007-12-27 8:09 am
1.Has attempts has wanted to look for the others help to do the work but to be very difficult to find the others to help?

2.Or suddenly has the urgent matter to have to look for the others help to work cannot find the appropriate person to help?
2007-12-27 2:49 am
Did you try asking for help from others, and find that is really hard to have someone really help you?

did you ever never suffer Have no suitable person for aiding when the situation was ugrent?
參考: Some bullshxx from me and myself
2007-12-27 2:24 am

Has attempts has wanted to ask others to help to do the work also to be very but difficult to others help?


Or had the urgent matter to suddenly look for others help to work cannot find the appropriate person to help?
參考: 希望可以幫到你啦~~
2007-12-27 12:16 am
1. Do you have to have a go to find some people to do something but you have not find it? 2. Or you have something burning to find some people to help but you can not find to have a good fit people for your help ?
2007-12-26 11:58 pm
1.Have you try and ask others it does things to be very much difficult to find also?

2.Or there are urgent things to ask others for help but can't be found suddenly suitable persons?

參考: 我的快易通~

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