
2007-12-26 10:56 pm
我想要罪案發生的英文,題目是:Do you like Hong Kong? Write something god or not good about Hong Kong in about 30 words.我寫:No,I don't like Hong Kong . For example, They polluted our air ,chop down tree,(接下去,我應該怎樣寫?如有錯請說?)

回答 (2)

2007-12-26 11:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"chop down trees". 你不會只是砍一棵樹吧!
還有,作文題目是一道問題,可是也不可以以回答負荷問題的形色去寫的。該寫"Idon't like Hong Kong."香港

2007-12-27 17:38:22 補充:
你也可以寫不同得污染,例如 噪音 。 讓我寫一篇給你參考。I don't like Hong Kong. For starters, they pollute the air and chopped down numerous trees. They also make too much noise and they are dumping too much waste into the sea. That causes deaths of many animals. Therefore I don't like it too much.
2007-12-27 3:19 am
No, I don't like Hong Kong. For example, they polluted our air, chop down trees. They polluted our water, pour waste water to the sea. They polluted our silence, keep making noise again and again.

More than 30 words

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