關於運動員既power point(英文 )...

2007-12-26 10:49 pm
我要做一個關於運動員既英文power point...


回答 (1)

2007-12-26 11:14 pm
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Sang Lan(桑蘭) never gives up

Experience : In1998,while she was attempting a practice vault in a gymnastics competition in New York City, Sang Lan fell and seriously injured her spine. Since then, she has been paralysed from the chest down, but she doesn't feel sorry for herself .'I won't give up,' she says.

After the accident : People all over the world found her story inspirational. Sang stayed in a hospital in New York for a year then.Former US presidents
George Bush and Ronald Reagan, and celebrities including Leonardo DiCaprio and Celine Dion visited her.

Sang Lan Today : Now she's back in China, Sang has become a celebrity and role model. She was also chosen to be a torchbearer at the 2008 Olympics.Sang studies journalism at Peking University and exercises daily to regain the use of her arms.

Saying : 'The support from others helps me feel better about myself. It encourages me to keep going. I hope I can walk again, but if not , I can bear it,' she says
參考: Myself

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