庇理羅士女子中學 Vs 協恩中學

2007-12-26 10:45 pm
庇理羅士女子中學 Vs 協恩中學 Which school is better; which school need study harder, in the music and the sports aspects, which is better. My daughter is band 1 中 student. good at music (piano, flute and singing )and swimming

回答 (4)

2007-12-27 12:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你小朋友係band 1 中, 就可能兩間都入唔到, 因為兩間都係band 1 頭,
如果你間小學有人入到呢兩間ge 話, 咁你可以try 吓...

論成績, 梗係庇理羅士女子中學勁d la...

因為佢連奪23年學界體育最高榮譽獎 (前稱「歐米茄玫瑰盃」,近年易名為「中銀香港紫荊盃」);

但協恩唔容易入, 因為協恩有小學,而中學學位有很多已預留給協小學生,所以其實名額不太多。

但你有學swimming ,

我suggest 你去報 協恩
2007-12-27 6:23 pm
協恩中學可能好d.但係庇理羅士女子中學都唔錯架~如果要hard d去讀書就應該係協恩中學.至於music方面就庇理羅士女子中叻d,sports就協恩中學叻d.你女兒係band one中ge學生,都可以試下.
參考: me
2007-12-27 2:00 am
協恩中學 because我覺得依間中學嘅校風好好,對學校好有歸屬感.

參考: me
2007-12-26 11:03 pm
庇理羅士女子中學 of course is better in music areas .However if you want to have a balance in music and sports areas ,協恩中學 is better. The choir in 協恩中學 is really good.They win many awards.But the String Orchestra and Band in 庇理羅士女子中學 is better than 協恩中學.And 庇理羅士女子中學 is based on your criteria in Music and Sports more.協恩中學 is based in your academic results especially in language as well as sports and music

You can also find information from the achievements in the website of both schools.

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