Is beauty a tribute to love, or is love a tribute to beauty?

2007-12-26 3:24 am

回答 (6)

2007-12-26 3:36 am
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Admiration is a tribute to beauty, not love. Love needs more than just beauty. Yup, beauty is only skin deep. After a few years, where has beauty gone?
2007-12-26 1:01 pm
Without getting into word play, I'd say when you fall in love with someone or something, you feel there's absolutely nothing more beautiful than that in the whole world...

Beauty on the other hand evokes admiration, awe, interest but love it evokes would be momentary or transitory unless supported by some genuine qualities. Such love will last only till beauty lasts...
2007-12-26 12:55 pm
Beauty is a tribute to love. At times, love can be seemingly ugly but beautiful at last.
2007-12-26 12:32 pm
symbiotic in nature
2007-12-26 12:07 pm
Love is blind.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
2007-12-26 11:46 am
Love is a trbute to God and Truth that responses to Beauty.

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