Have you ever laughed at the absurdity of life?

2007-12-26 3:21 am
Got frustrated, mad, sad and then just realized it's all just par for the course?

回答 (12)

2007-12-26 4:56 pm
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yes I laughed when at 49 years old after having a 21 year old son in Iraq, twin 12 year olds at home, a 90 year old mother that lives with us, thinking I was in menopause, they told me I was 3 months pregnant with tripletts....that was 3 years ago
2007-12-26 4:01 am
Ha Ha Ha! All the time!!!

That's how I learnt to LAUGH. Otherwise when I entered this world I was crying myself hoarse...
2007-12-26 3:26 am
Mostly I just shake my head at the absurdity of life.
2007-12-26 3:38 pm
Yes, and I am convinced things will get better, where the laughs will clear the air and space about us so, that ours will be felt by our cousins in the farthest galaxies.
2007-12-26 5:20 am
it's an everyday thing
2007-12-26 4:56 am
Only when things get upsetting.
2007-12-26 3:53 am
everyday, dear, everyday of my life
2007-12-26 3:46 am
That's pretty much the story of my life.
2007-12-26 3:45 am
Puzzled maybe. We were all born and found out that we have to find the rules of life. Some things are absurd but some are profound. We are still finding out the other rules.
2007-12-26 3:33 am
yeah!!! ive been thinking of this lately, actually. lol. in the end nothing matters and sometimes you have to laugh at sopmething you usually get frustated with.

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