i really need hel, does nayone hear have a nikon d80?

2007-12-25 2:20 pm
i just got a nikon for christmas
and im totallly lost, like i read the thingy
and its soo confusing
like i turned tthe camera on
and like
the screen is black
like how do i make the screen not black how do i change the iso
DOES ANYONE HAVE MSN and you can help me:(

回答 (3)

2007-12-25 2:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I don't know about the D80 but some Nikons don't present an image on the screen until you take a photo. You look through the viewfinder to compose and shoot the image.

You should be able to scroll through the menu and choose an option for the screen to show the image after you shoot it and the duration it will show it.
2007-12-25 5:08 pm
The answers above are probably what you are looking for. You have made a major step UP in quality. It will take you a while to get used to the idea that you don't have a "live view" on the LCD.

ISO - Press the button to the left of the LCD labeled "ISO" and rotate the rear command dial to change the ISO. The new ISO values will be displayed on the top LCD panel. See page 43 if this isn't clear to you.

For immediate results, take a minute to read about how to use your D80 just like a point and shoot camera on Page 19-23 of your manual. This might be important to you for Christmas pictures and it's only 5 pages with a LOT of illustrations.
2007-12-25 4:15 pm
most DSLR don't have live view. so you can't look at the screen and compose like ps camera

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