解夢 - 2 dreams

2007-12-26 7:54 am
1: My friend in UK and his family came to my house for dinner (which is pretty impossible) and i took out bottles of beer and asked them if they want any and they (at least my friend and his brother) turned them down and i had one in front of all of them on the table. What does this mean?
2: I was having a school assembly in a grand hall and one friend gave out air tickets to some people in front of everyone. another friend says a word in a posh accent (as usual). Does this mean anything?

回答 (1)

2007-12-26 8:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. it means what you want and expected is not what they really want just like medicine some for some people is good but for some other is posion necessary god to you is good to them too

2 depends what word that another friend said but likely that something you want to do and say ... but not brave enough to say it out and say it loud

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