在回答一些「What does I refer to?」之類的問題時,是否須在答案後加「's」?

2007-12-26 7:05 am
英文測驗中的閱讀理解部分,多數會出現「In line 1, what does 'I' refer to?」之類的問題。而家回答時,是否需要在「It refers to Peter」的「Peter」加「's」?

這類問題想問的是「這個代名詞是指何人/何物?」,因此我想知道答案是「It refers to xxx's」還是「It refers to xxx」

回答 (2)

2007-12-26 9:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
答 中文或英文 comprehension 一定要了解 " 上文下理" ,
一定要知道 "問什麼 ? ", 不一定答句前寫 It refers to -----,
If 問是-----" What does it refer to ?"
通常是-----" It refers to XXXXX "
For example :
一篇電腦素描報告 (我最近答的, 我會之後給你 link)
What does it refers to ?
It refers to the patient who has a tumor about 0.8 cm
in his/her liver and a lesion in his/her adrenal.
The report shows that the patient has a tumor about
o.8 cm in his/her liver and a lesion in his/her adrenal.
Is it helpful ?
參考: self 我的英文真的不差。
2007-12-26 10:47 am
It refers to Peter 是對的。不需要加 's. 因為加 's代表Peter的東西,而你這一句卻沒有這個意思。要知道 's 有兩種用法︰(1)show's possesion, (2)contraction for "is"

for example:
(1) show's possesion--- Peter's dog (Peter 的狗)
Mary's pencil (Mary 的鉛筆)

(2) contraction for "is" -------He's a boy (他是一個男孩子)
She's a child (她是一個小朋友)


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