
2007-12-26 5:46 am



sh'ma 但你信基督是神嗎?

回答 (6)

2007-12-26 11:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
‘Sh'ma! Yisrael! Adonai! Eloheinu! Adonai! Echad!’
(O Hear! Israel! The LORD is our G-d! The LORD is One!)
  以賽亞書9:6(希伯來聖經9:5)內面,彌賽亞被稱為Pele-Yoetz-El-Gibbor-Abi-ad-Sar-Shalom。這是唯一一個人,可以配得上先知預言為El-Gibbor(全能的 神),拜他的也是正確。
    1 太初有道,道與 神同在,道就是 神。
2 這道太初與 神同在。
3 萬有是藉著他造的;凡被造的,沒有一樣不是藉著他造的。

2007-12-26 15:59:12 補充:
Messianic Jew 沒有誤會(我就是Messianic Jew)我們強調的神,就是一而複數性。不是三個,不是二個,是超越數字衡量的一。

2007-12-29 12:52:32 補充:

2007-12-30 12:02:17 補充:
2008-01-02 3:32 am
舊約時神的顯現 ,我相信是耶穌基督的顯現
2007-12-30 5:15 pm
三 一 神 論(This book has a Very Good explaination)
2007-12-26 10:26 pm
Just as Messianic Jews probably misunderstand some of the things you
believe, I think you misunderstand some of the things I believe.

We do not in any way believe in three gods. My God is one,
and his name is the LORD (or, Yahweh, known to Orthodox Jews as

He revealed himself to us through his Son, the Messiah, who is the very
image and reflection of God. And he touches us and speaks to us by
his Spirit. These are deep, spiritual truths.

Later theologians labeled this relationship the Trinity -- God as a triune One.
But the word ‘Trinity’ is not found anywhere in the New Testament
and it may confuse the issues for you.”

Followers of Jesus also believe in one God, not three.
Most Jews recite the Shema, the Jewish confession of faith,
“Hear O Israel, the LORD our God the Lord is one.”

However, the translation of the New Jewish Version, recognized as the
most accurate English translation produced by Jewish scholars, states:
“Hear O Israel, the LORD is our God, the LORD alone.”

The point of the Shema is to demand absolute faith in the LORD alone,
with no gods before Him. The Hebrew word “echad,” translated “alone”
here, means “one” in the sense of “that one alone.”

In the twelfth century, Moses Maimonides, writing to counter Christian
and Muslim beliefs, compiled his thirteen articles of faith, recited by
observant Jews daily. One of the articles states that Jews must believe
that god is yachid— “absolute unity.” But this is unscriptural, since the
Hebrew Bible gives clear indications of God’s composite unity.

Genesis 19:24 states that “the LORD rained down burning sulfur on
Sodom and Gomorrah, from the LORD out of the heavens.”

In other words, the LORD, who had been on the earth talking to Abraham
(read Gen. 18:1-33 very carefully), rained down fire and brimstone from
the LORD out of the heavens.

The Spirit of God came upon many people in the Scriptures.
For instance, Isaiah 61:1 states, “The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD
is on me….”

And, finally, who is God’s Son in Proberbs 30:4?

Who has gone up to heaven and come down? Who has gathered up the
wind in the hollow of his hands? Who has wrapped up the waters in his
cloak? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name,
and the name of his son? Tell me if you know!

Isaiah 42:1 speaks of God’s servant (that is, the Messiah) upon whom
God places His Spirit so that “he will bring justice to the nations.”
Here in one passage is a reference to the LORD (the Father),
the Messiah (the Son), and the Spirit.

Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations.

Information from Dr. Michael L. Brown

As a Jewish believer in Jesus, Dr. Brown is active in Jewish evangelism
and has debated rabbis on radio, TV, and college campuses.
He is also a published Old Testament and Semitic scholar,
holding a Ph.D in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures
from New York University. In 1997, he was appointed Visiting
Professor of Jewish Apologetics at Fuller Theological Seminary
School of World Mission and has been affiliated with Regent University
Divinity School as an Adjunct Professor of Old Testament and Jewish
2007-12-26 4:39 pm








耶和華見證人堅信,不論是他們所信的教義還是別人所信的教義,都應當看看是否跟聖經完全一致。他們十分誠意地請你一同討論問題,用聖經來檢驗自己所信的道理。聖經比傳統更可靠 太15:3;西2:8
Hope this can help you :) , also pls check ----http://www.watchtower.org/ch/20020515/article_02.htm-
2007-12-26 8:36 am
至於那個日子, 那個時刻, 誰也不知道, 天上的天使不知道, 兒子不知道, 只有父親知道。 馬可13:32

如果父親=兒子, 兒子沒有理有不知道吧~

不要擔心, 我為你高興發問, 因為你有心找答案, 再好的方法, 看聖經吧~

聖經的原文可沒有一個名詞叫' 三位一體' 呵
參考: 聖經

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