
2007-12-26 5:44 am
1) database中, 什麼是SQL ? 可有一些SQL的教學網頁?
2) cell E1 contains a formula: =max(A1:B5)*$C48
問if the formula in cell E1 is copied to cell F3, what will the formula in celll F3 look like?
3) in a database, field staff_id has the field length 4. assume each staff member has a unique staff_id, what is thw max number of staff ID numbers that can assigned?

to aLEC: 但本書俾geQ3 答案係10000......

回答 (2)

2007-12-26 8:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) sql 係 Structured Query Language, 係唔同既資料庫共通既查詢語言, 下面既網有基本的介紹
2) 你問 excel 的吧, F3 會變左, 因為$C 加左絕對符號 $, 所以 $C 係不變既, 其他都會變

3) 照正常計, staff_id 應該唔用符號或者 wildcard character 既野, 多數我地只會 allow 英文字母同數字, 咁就應該有 36x36x36x36 = 1679616 個可能性
2008-01-13 9:23 am
大哥,是staff ID numbers,numbers啊,所以系10*10*10*10=10000。

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