
2007-12-26 4:48 am

回答 (4)

2007-12-26 5:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Try to read an english newspaper, just increase the understanding of each news clip (compared to what you know in the chinese newspaper) everyday, bits by bits and eventually you will get use to it and finish off the whole newspaper without knowing that your english has improved.

Likewise, when you watch english TV series or movies, place your hand to cover the chinese subtitles to force yourself listen to the conversations. You will be able to hear better and pick up the pronunciations, style, and sentence structure in spoken english.

Most important in learning any foreign languages - SPEAK ENGLISH.

Good Luck!
2007-12-28 5:44 am
For listening and speaking, 試試看這個看英文短片的網站, 有中英對照, 以及英美政治家的演講, 你可以從最簡單的開始, 慢慢地就聽得越來越多了.
2007-12-26 5:00 am
其實le個問題我都想know ~不過其實我 know學英文最緊要有耐性~因為你要成日睇一d關於 生字 日常會話 句式 時態 仲有d動詞等等 la ~ 同埋要懂得運動句子 幾時係用le個時態 幾時用叻一個時態咁la ~ so ~一定要有耐性先可以學到ga 我都想可以快d學識佢a~
參考: i hope i can help you ¬
2007-12-26 4:54 am
you need to read lots of books,and watch lots of english TV.your english will better and better
參考: myself

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