I like a 男仔 and he likes 我.But something happened,救我 a!!!!!!

2007-12-26 12:40 am
我仲意一個男仔,佢仲意我.When we both were p.4 and p.5,we always see whose English is better,I beat佢every time!And I always get the most 貼紙 in the exam because I get the highest mark in my class!今次考試,I got最高分in英文again:145/150.But my bf got 133分,佢usually was a 1st runner-up,and佢always got the 貼紙too,before.This time when he知道he got 133/150,he喊in the classroom!!! I cheered佢up by sending lots of mails to佢,and he was happy again.Yesterday,I got a mail from my bf.It hurt my feelings因為佢唔想我send mails俾佢.
Help me!

回答 (4)

2007-12-28 8:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
我以前同你差5多.我GF D Maths 成日低分過我.
佢好介意.所以我就將一D 佢勁過我Ke 野成日係佢面前講,
佢就會覺得佢自己好多野勁過你ka la.
你試下用一D佢勁過你Ke 野成日係佢面前講.睇下得5得lo

2007-12-28 7:33 am
I am trained to be a social worker.

As a matter of fact, it was not a healthy relationship if you keen on competing whose English was better. Do both of you feel tired to do so? 1st runner-up in class in fact is meaningless. In the case you were good at English, why not helping each other to get improvement, to get a higher mark?

He demonstrated resistant behavior to such "game", it was a signal for you to reexam your relationship with your boyfriend. But I wonder if you really need a boyfriend.
2007-12-28 2:46 am
I don't know what are you saying?= =

2007-12-26 1:17 am
I think u should stop to "see whose English is better"
Maybe it is a good game in the first time to improve
yours english result

But it seems to be a serious competition now!!
You can see your bf is not enjoy in this game
also,he play this game under pressure
because you always is the champion!!
isn't it?

Be happy~It not a big problem,just stop this
competition now and show him you are
love him very much~

Wish yours relationship will better

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