
2007-12-25 11:36 pm
點解我睇TVAnts 一開始個陣laglag下咁既...

回答 (3)

2007-12-25 11:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Lagging is a common problem of all.

There are two cases.
1) You are downloading the video and viewing it online.
2) You are viewing the video from a CD or DVD.

If you are viewing it online, you have to consider your Internet connection speed. Videos can be streamed. Streaming means that you are downloading and viewing at the same time. If the download speed is slower than the speed that you watch the video, the video will stop until data is loaded so as to continue.

If you are in this case, stop viewing it and do something else. Come back later so more data is loaded before continuing.

If you are viewing it from a CD or DVD, it could possibly be the problem of your computer. Maybe your display card is not new enough or your monitor is too old. To solve the problem, buy a new display card or use a better monitor.
2007-12-26 2:03 am
係,要等佢load好先出現個Play 掣就可以.
2007-12-25 11:42 pm
係,you need
參考: me

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