請帮我將下面的中文譯成英文 謝謝

2007-12-25 6:45 pm

回答 (5)

2007-12-25 9:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think that this course can improve my knowledge of risk management(危機管理的知識). Its concept and principle is benefial to(有利於/有助於)me in dealing with emergency accordingly(相應地)in work situations. I wish to improve our company's human resources through this course.


2007-12-25 13:42:53 補充:
Correction :2nd sentence : is benefial to --------- are benefial to
2007-12-25 8:32 pm
* 注意
原文有小小問題因為 '優點' 係唔需要 '有助' 架.


After taking this course, I think it can improve my knowledge on risk management concept and principle. It can help me on my emergency management at work and become an advantage. or (The advantage is that it can help me on my emergency management at work.)

參考: myself, 喺唔同嘅外國生活咗好多好多年啦。
2007-12-25 6:52 pm
I think that the course will let me know more about the risk management and theory, it could help me in the work and know how to handle the sudden changes, it could also help the company to enhance the human resources.
2007-12-25 6:49 pm

I thought this curriculum can let me know to the crisis management
concept and the principle Is helpful me in the work to understand the
processing urgent strain the merit, and the hope promotes the human
resources for the company.
2007-12-25 6:48 pm
I think that this course will let me know to manage concept and principle the crisis. Help me to understand on the work that deal with the advantage that meet an emergency promptly , and hope to improve the human resources for the company.
參考: ME!!

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