take a plunge 點解?

2007-12-25 6:08 pm
take a plunge 點解?
give me some examples plx, thx

回答 (3)

2007-12-25 7:21 pm
take a plunge 點解?

即係結婚咁解 (getting married), 類似俚語俗語. 其他俚語說法如下:

Tie the knot.
Walk down the aisle. (=行教堂)
Get hitched/hitched
Join in matrimony
Join in the holy (用holy如果你係篤信宗教如:基督教等) matrimony

*Pop the question. (呢個只等於/限於求婚)


2007-12-27 02:41:23 補充:
樓下呢個'人唔識嘢都算重要一開口就鬧兼種族歧視之後重要話佢搞錯但又冇道歉咁惡嘅班門弄斧都係第一次見.極盡不知所謂之能事. Go ask any English native speaker & that person will tell you take a plunge/take the plunge means getting married. Don't be so loud &ignorant at the same time. it's humiliating (for you) :D
參考: myself, 喺唔同嘅外國生活咗好多好多年啦.
2007-12-25 6:59 pm
take a plunge 或 take the plunge 指的是
"you decide to do something or commit yourself even though you know there is an element of risk involved. "
中文翻譯大約是 "你不管甚麼危機, 也決定做一樣東西."

I've decided to take the plunge and start up my own business.
They took the plunge and ran for the state legislature.
參考: 自己 + 字典
2007-12-25 6:54 pm
take the plunge : to do or undertake something decisively especially after a period of hesitation or uncertainty

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