請介紹一些外國現正流行的rock band

2007-12-25 8:43 am
請介紹一些外國現正流行的rock band
小弟想了解外國band sound

回答 (1)

2007-12-25 12:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
呢幾年的rock sound好似回歸到60's, 70's and 80's!
Retro 中帶點Modern touch 既音樂係最殺食!


美國 -
Fall Out Boys (Quite Good)
Panic at the Disco! (Pretty good)
The Dresden Dolls (本人的favorite! 是玩Punk Cabaret及默劇的, very original)
30 seconds to Mars (音樂一般...Vocal是靚仔演員 Jared Leto)
The Strokes (正! 雖然不是最新, 但影響力仍然是有的, 主音Julian及其他bandmate好靚仔)
The White Stripe (勁正! 主音Jack White 有另一隊band 叫做The Raconteurs)
Gnarls Barkley (幾得意~)

英國 -
Muse ( 正正正正正! Two thumbs up! Their live is close to perfection!)
Artic Monkeys (Very good)
Franz Ferdinand (又係正正正 X5)
Ladytron (very underrated band! 我覺得very very good! 玩synthpop的)
Goldfrapp (潮! 連黃耀明都話想同佢合作~)
Snow Patrol (like a younger and more romantic Coldplay)

The Killers (from Mexico, not my thing but they are okay)

暫時打住咁多先~ 有時間再介紹多D ^.^

2007-12-25 15:46:29 補充:
今日我再諗到幾隊band~美國- Kings of Leon (retro homage band, like The Strokes)Death cab for Cuties (quite nice, 又係有D retro味...Frontman Ben 有另一個Band, 叫The Postal Service, 亦是幾唔錯的band)Interpol (有少少The Killers的影子)

2007-12-25 15:46:40 補充:
英國 - The Kooks ( not my cup of tea so no comment)Keane (英國樂迷必聽, 是Coldplay接班人)
參考: me~

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