Whats the best way to kill a nest of wasps??

2007-12-24 8:46 am

回答 (20)

2007-12-24 8:48 am
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Whack em with a stick.

I love that avatar!!!!
2007-12-24 4:50 pm
Wait till night time- and spray the crap out of 'em, with wasp killer- name brand-do not skimp. then run ur azz back in the house, unless they are in the house then run the opposite. I deal with them to many years...
2007-12-24 4:48 pm
you can/t kill a nest.
2007-12-24 5:04 pm
call TERMINIX Emergency phone # 1-800-837-6464
2007-12-24 4:58 pm
All you need is a small fish,bucket,water,stick,string & some liquid dish soap.
Fill the bucket about half full of water & add a bit of liquid dish soap.Next place a stick across the top of the bucket & suspend the fish above the water in the center of the pail. Place the bucket & fish in a spot that is out of the way.The wasps are such "pigs" that they will gorge themselves until they can't fly & will drop into the water-soap solution & drown.
2007-12-24 4:57 pm
"RAID" wasp & hornet killer spray or any other wasp/ hornet spray from Home Depot. That should do the job. It worked for me, but of course I didn't do the spraying my hubby did :)
2007-12-24 4:53 pm
Throw a Mcdonolds big mac at them,and then finish them of with a sprite.
2007-12-24 4:52 pm
What type? There are sprays you can use that are pretty effective.

For yellowjackets, we wait until dusk (when they are sleepy) and take a power hose nozzle (sold at hardware stores for about $2), then spray the heck out of their nest - especially at the top. We let our neighbors know so they won't be outside.

When you see it drop, run like the dickens inside. Haven't been stung yet, but I sure don't want to be.

They'll find another place to build their hive.
2007-12-24 4:48 pm
Drown 'em out with a hose, then run like crazy!
2007-12-24 4:48 pm
Spray hairspray and light a match.

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