English - Grammer Correctness

2007-12-25 6:29 am
Dear Writing Experts,

Pls inform me whether the following sentence is correct or not:

I'm not very strong and solid in this writing technique and feeling insufficient in it.
(這種寫作技巧我仍然弱及不鞏固, 並感到不足。)

回答 (2)

2007-12-25 7:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
寫英文愈簡單簡好,愈短愈好,意思要精簡,因此唔好用幾個字去講一個字, not very stong and solid 應改用 weak。

寫作技巧唔可以直譯成 writing technique,應該係 writing skill, technique 最好用來形容複雜的技巧,如 management technique, operation technique.

技巧係 feel 唔到的,所以唔好用 feel,改用 find。

insufficient 通常用來形容物品,e.g. The food was insufficient for our needs. 唔會用來形容技巧,應改用唔夠熟練 - not proficient。

I am weak in this kind of writing skill. I find that I am not very proficient in it.


2007-12-24 23:22:12 補充:

2007-12-27 00:00:14 補充:
I am not proficiency in this writing skill and I need to learn more.

參考: me
2007-12-25 8:24 am
dear why dog

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