concept on e and e^x

2007-12-25 5:08 am
by definition.

e=(1+1/n)^n where n is a integer tends to infinity

so how can i express e^x by definition?

i don't think it is so simple that e=(1+1/n)^nx .....

can anyone give me some explaination?

回答 (3)

2008-01-07 9:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
simplest way to express e^x is
lim(n->oo) (1+x/n)^n
The prove is just a change of variable: let m = n/x.
Then n->00 iff m->oo, since x is assumed here a constant. (We fixed x)
So the limit becomes:
lim(n->oo) (1+x/n)^n
= lim(m->oo) (1+1/m)^(mx)
= e^x
參考: PhD Math
2007-12-25 7:47 am
樓上的Taylor's expansion 答得非常精彩
小弟亦有另外一個見解 , 呢個答法唔雖要咁麻煩
e^x = (1+x/n)^n for n is a integer tends to infinity
2007-12-25 5:46 am
We can use the Taylor's series of expansion of function:


where c and x are some values.

Now, take c = 0, we have:


which is known as the Maclaurin's series (Taylor's series expansion at c = 0)

So for exponential function, we have:


And then the different orders of derivatives are


So eventually we have:


An example of application is the Euler's form of complex number which is:


After comparing the real and imaginary parts, we have:


which is consistent with the typical derivation of sine and cosine functions using Taylor's series method.

(Note: θ is measured in radian.)
參考: My Maths knowledge

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