
2007-12-25 4:00 am
which bond has the strongest bond strength?

ionic bond?
or covelant bond?

回答 (1)

2007-12-25 6:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果 ionic 同 covalent bond 理論上ionic 比較強
因covalent bond 係 within the molecule 唔係between the molecules
而ionic bond 係 between the ions
我諗你想知既係ionic 同 covalent bond form 出來既compound 邊個strong d(or higher melting ponit)
for example: calcium chloride 同 carbon dioxide
calcium chloride is giant ionic struture, the ions are hold together by strong ionic bond(electrostatic fore)
carbon dioxide is simple molecular structure, the weak van der waals' force(intermolecular fore)is exist between the molecules
so, calcium chloride is stronger

ionic compind 係stronger 的...
參考: chem王子<---me

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